Frequently Asked Questions
What is available for children?
The Children's ministry at Brookville Church of God consists of Sunday School classes for ages 1 through 6th grade every Sunday at 9:00am. There is also a class for children ages 1 through 3 during the morning Worship service at 10:30am. There is Junior Church for children ages 4 through 3rd grade on Sundays at 10:30am. There is a nursery available for parents with infants.
On Wednesday nights at 6:30pm there is an Outlet Preteen Group for children grades 4-6, where preteens learn to plug into Jesus. There is also a KICS (Kids In Christ's Service) class for children ages 4 through 3rd grade on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
The Youth (grades 7-12) have Sunday School class each Sunday at 9:00am and SOULed OUT 180° Youth Group on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
There are a variety of other events throughout the year as well.
Do you have any discipleship opportunities for adults?
Yes! We have several Sunday School classes that meet each Sunday at 9:00am, as well as Small Groups which meet throughout the week.
We also have a Women's Ministry and a Men's Ministry.
What kind of music do you worship with?
We have a praise team who leads us in worship utilizing a mix of contemporary music and traditional hymns.
Do you support missions?
Yes! We support missionaries who serve out of the country, as well as local missions in our own community.
What is your corporate affiliation?
We are members of the Church of God, Anderson Indiana. More information can be found at